November 30, 2020

Celebrating Generosity

- Future In Sight

little wooden houses with a heart in the middle

Holding the door. Doing the dishes. Offering a smile. Forgiving a slight. Doing an errand for someone. Checking in on a neighbor. Giving a compliment. Grabbing coffee for a co-worker. Giving a gift. Advocating for a cause. Making a donation. Generous acts, each one. Combined, over time, they can build an approach to life. Created in 2012, Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement. It celebrates generosity of spirit and actions. The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is set aside to call attention to the impact of generosity on each of us – and our communities.

Think of the generosity of our founder, Emma Coolidge Weston! Blind herself, she wanted to make a difference in the lives of children and adults with visual impairments. She wanted to create opportunity for others to develop their talents and share them with the world. In 1912, she worked tenaciously, with equal parts inspiration and legislative advocacy to form the New Hampshire Association for the Blind – our roots. Her generosity is felt today, far beyond her lifetime.

We remember Emma Coolidge Weston – and remind ourselves of her commitment – by naming our annual giving fund in her honor. This is the time of year when we reach out with a specific request for financial support, which is unrestricted, helping to fund our critical vision rehabilitation services throughout the year.

Generosity isn’t confined to one act, or one day, or one person. When we let it, it can permeate each day, which over time can influence our life – and our happiness. What a gift!

You can make a contribution to Future In Sight on Giving Tuesday – or any day – online here or by contacting Jane Driscoll, Vice President for Development, Marketing & Communication at 603-224-4039