May 21, 2014

I Count my Blessings. I Have so Much to be Thankful For.

- Future In Sight

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It’s hard to believe that only 5 years ago, at age 42, Dana Trahan was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Though operable, the swelling of the tumor damaged her optic nerve, causing severe and permanent vision loss. After the turmor was removed, the doctors were hopeful that her sight would improve. Sadly, that never happened.

Being a single mom, and blind, has been doubly challenging for me. Taking care of a household with two active teenagers isn’t easy. I do the best I can but sometimes I need to face the fact that there are things I just can’t do. So I just say to myself; “Wait a minute, I can’t see.”

The New Hampshire Association for the Blind has been the biggest blessing for me and my family. Without their help I could never have learned to be as independent as I am. Before getting my dog guide, Brody, Glenn from the association taught me how to move around safely in my yard and neighborhood using my white cane. Denise, a low vision therapist, helped me select special magnification aids so I could read labels, prescriptions and my children’s homework assignments.

Joining the Association’s Peer Support and Technology groups has also been a lifeline for me. Just being in the same room with people like me; sharing successes, failures and tips has been tremendously helpful.