March 18, 2020

Serving Adults and Kids through an Online Community

- Future In Sight

little wooden houses with a heart in the middle

These days, we are all looking for more ways to get – and stay – connected to each other, especially when it’s not feasible to be in the same physical space together to share experiences.

At Future In Sight we are making the important shift from delivering vision rehabilitation services, conducting trainings, teaching, holding user groups and other activities in-person to offering them in other ways: remotely, as it is commonly called. To be sure, the term “remote” doesn’t begin to reflect the point of our shift. Our point is to stay connected. Our purpose is to serve children and adults with vision loss – and their families in all the ways we can under changing circumstances.

We are doing all this through the power of technology. From social media to video technology, we’ll be using it all to connect us together: Facetime, Skype, Zoom – even the trusty low-tech telephone. So, you can see for us, remote access isn’t about being remote. It’s about access. And, it’s about the connection.

Let’s all help each other stay connected. Please check out the various sections of our website, especially our news and events pages, where you’ll find online activities announced for youth and adults, as well as more about the inaugural meeting of NH Parent Connect – online of course.