Provide your feedback for the 2024-2027 State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)

- Future In Sight

Granite State Independent Living logo

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is in the process of creating its 2024-2027 State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL).

The purpose of the SPIL is to describe how the state’s network of Independent Living (IL) programs and services will meet the independent living needs of persons with disabilities in the state. The plan must address how federal, state and other funds will be used within the state to develop and maintain IL programs.

In order to be sure that the SPIL reflects and properly responds to the needs of NH’s citizens with disabilities, they are hosting public virtual and in-person “drop-in” sessions to receive input about the future SPIL.

The sessions are as follows:

April 25th | 10-11AM
Zoom Link to attend
Call-In Number: 1-646-931-3860
Meeting ID: 862 6888 2746
Passcode: 221455

April 29th | 3-4PM
Granite State Independent Living
21 Chenell Drive
Concord, NH 03301

April 30th | 5-6PM
Zoom Link to attend
Call-In Number: 1-646-931-3860
Meeting ID: 834 6337 3257
Passcode: 135715

CART and ASL Interpretation will be provided. Inquires can be made to the NH SILC by email at [email protected] or by phone at 603-271-2773.