April 17, 2020

VIDEO: A Thank You Message for National Volunteer Week

- Jane Driscoll

a group of five volunteers standing behind the water table

Each April since 1974, a week is set aside to appreciate the impact volunteers make on civic life, in the community, in nonprofit organizations and on the well-being of our friends and neighbors. This year, National Volunteer Week is celebrated from April 19th through April 25th . It’s our pleasure to call attention – and thank – the nearly 150 men and women who serve as volunteers through Future In Sight.


Cherie Senz Thanks the Volunteers of Future In Sight
Cherie Senz holds up her Thank You sign in honor of our volunteers!


Volunteers provide critical services for people who are blind or visually impaired here in New Hampshire. Volunteers serve as drivers. They drive clients to advocacy, tech and support group meetings, to medical appointments and grocery shopping, to events and social activities, to church or synagogue, to veterinarian appointments and more. Volunteers serve as friendly visitors. They chat, read mail aloud, organize cupboards and closets, play cards, share music and enjoy each other’s company. Volunteers serve in administration. They help with mailings, data entry and conduct phone client satisfaction surveys. Volunteers serve on committees and on our Board of Directors. Volunteers are at the heart of our ability to fulfill our mission!

So, we’re sending this heartfelt thank-you to volunteers for the 4,551 hours of time that they’ve generously shared with clients in the last year alone. We can’t wait until we are all able to be together again.


Want to learn more about becoming a volunteer? Contact us today!