Join a Group Meeting
Future In Sight organizes and hosts meetings and events to promote active living with vision loss, on an ongoing basis. The group meetings include things such as peer support, technology, accessible sewing and cooking, adaptive recreational activities, infant/toddler playgroups and school-aged enrichment programs. Stay up to date on our activities by visiting our events page frequently or signing up for email notifications so you are always in the know.

Technology User Groups
The monthly meetings focus on advancing access to and knowledge of computers and other assistive technology commonly used by the blind and visually impaired community. Demonstrations of useful apps for iOS and android devices will be discussed . Opportunties for open forum discussions allow members to ask questions relating to assistive technology. Monthly meetings held in Concord, Nashua, Seacoast and Lakes Region. Please email us at [email protected] if you’re interested in joining a group in your area, or check out our events calendar.
Peer Support Groups
If you are new to vision loss, you may be feeling overwhelmed and in need of additional support. Studies have shown that joining a support group comprised of individuals dealing with similar challenges can help alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety.
Benefits include a gained sense of self-confidence, coping skills to adjust to vision loss and a discovery of resources, services and devices that meet your needs.
Our groups meet monthly to share their feelings and experiences and to exchange ideas and information in a safe and confidential environment. Groups are currently offered in Concord, Manchester, Seacoast, and Keene. Please email us at [email protected] if you’re interested in joining a group in your area.
Adaptive Sewing Groups
The Adaptive Sewing group program has been active for several years, hosting monthly meetings in both Concord and Manchester. The group is affectionately known as the “Mitsy Kits” sewing group. This is because the Mitsy Kit organization provides the sewing materials and projects for the group.
Participants can choose from an assortment of “ready to sew” kits that have been prepared with tactile edges, specifically for people who are blind or visually impaired. These groups produce many wonderful finished products ranging from pot holders to purses.
This is a lighthearted, social gathering that our attendees and volunteers enjoy. If you would like to attend one of the monthly group meetings and participate, simply call 800-464-3075, or email [email protected]
Recreational Groups
From time to time the organization will host specially planned group events to promote active living with vision loss. These may include accessible sewing and cooking, adaptive recreational activities, infant/toddler playgroups and school-aged enrichment programs. Stay up to date on our activities by visiting our events page frequently.
We also have activity programs for Youth Adventures and Adult Activites.