On the go technology and common apps that are used on tablets and smartphones are not always designed with low vision users in mind. But there are some specific apps that deliver features or functionality that can really make using these everyday devices much easier for those with vision impairment.
Our staff is on a quest to identify, test and share with you the best of the bunch in easy to follow step-by-step demonstration videos!
In the video below, Future In Sight Low Vision Occupational Therapist Beth Daisy provides a demonstration of the “Big Launcher” app for Android smartphones. This handy addition for the Android smartphone is free to download. The Big Launcher app (as you might have guessed) enlarges the home screen and provides quick access to the most common items we use on our phones everyday. With many adjustable settings the app can be tailored to fit your specific low vision needs.
Check it out and watch for more videos to come!