Do you have students who are blind and visually impaired who need educationally related services?
Do your teachers need consultation on how to accommodate students with blindness and visual impairments?
Are you looking to collaborate with leaders in the field right here in New Hampshire?
If so, Future In Sight is here to partner with you!
Future In Sight
Future In Sight was founded in 1912 and is the only private non-profit organization in New Hampshire to supply a comprehensive range of statewide services to children, adults, and elderly who are blind and visually impaired. Through our holistic continuum of care, we provide individuals with vital services that allow them to live with confidence and dignity. We partner with medical and eye professionals, healthcare facilities, social service organizations, and state agencies including the Department of Education and the Department of Rehabilitation Services.

Our Commitment to Education
As leaders in the field of Blindness and Visual Impairments, we partner with school districts to provide education and transition services to students with visual impairments. Our experienced team of specialized educators includes Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI), Orientation and Mobility Specialists (O&Ms), and Occupational Therapists (OT) specializing in vision loss and accessibility as well as with other unique student needs.

Expertise, Professionalism, and a Collaborative Spirit
As you may know, visual impairment in children can be ocular (eye-based) or neurological (brain-based). It can be singular or associated with multiple disabilities. It is also a low incidence disability, meaning that your teachers and paraprofessionals may not have much experience in working with such cases. That’s where we come in!
Our staff brings expertise, professionalism, and a collaborative spirit to specialized instruction and consultation, whether in-school or remote. Understanding every student is unique, as is each school district. Our staff receive high praise from administrators, teachers, students, and parents alike.

We are proud of the well-earned reviews for our team of professionals and take the steps necessary to ensure they have the most up-to-date training and resources, which allows us to collaborate with you in order to meet your districts unique student needs. Whether during the Extended School Year or for the next academic year, let us know how we can help!
Please contact us at [email protected] or 603-224-4039 with any questions you may have.
What They’re Saying:
“The Future In Sight staff have been communicative, supportive, and extremely knowledgeable from the very beginning.”
– C.B., School Counselor in New Ipswich, 2020
“Her expertise and insight on how to make the environment, experiences, and academics meaningful and accessible for our student have been awesome.”
– R.M., Special Educator in Whitefield, 2020
“Your staff is amazing to work with. We feel truly blessed and utterly grateful for each of you.”
– M.J., Parent in Pembroke, 2020
“Just the short time I have worked with your team they been great. They involve me with the session and explain everything in detail. Thank you!!!”
– Teacher, 2021
“My daughter expressed a fun learning experience and was excited to show us new skills”
– Parent, Grantham, 2021
“We loved that you were meeting the student’s goals through activities that are custom fit, fun and of interest to him”
– Case Manager, 2021
“I really enjoy working with your staff. They are thorough and professional. Our O&M specialist has a great sense of humor and is flexible in her thoughts and actions when working with my students who have significant cognitive impairments. She has given me insight into my students that I might not have gleaned any other way”.
– Teacher, EDEMS, 2021