Future In Sight: How our services can help someone who is losing their vision

- Melissa Larocque

Headshot of Melissa Larocque

What services are Future In Sight able to offer you or someone you love?

Future In Sight is proudly providing a variety of services across the lifespan to help support the needs of our clients as best we can across the state, and always looking for creative ways to grow and do more!

Did you know???

We have Adult Services – our Adult service team is made up of a group of Occupational Therapists who support clients mostly in their homes with goals on making improvements to meet their basic needs and lifestyle through their visual loss or low vision needs.

  • Our team of OT’s will support clients with obtaining devices and adaptive technologies in a variety of areas- supporting their goals for reading essential materials and bills, managing their medications and money, and safely getting around their home and cooking meals in their kitchen.
  • Adults also have access to an Orientation and Mobility Specialist who can help them navigate moving safely in their home space, routine places in the community they go and or in unfamiliar places.
  • Our O&M specialist can help clients understand how to navigate through cane use if preferred or with other techniques that help build their confidence and overall safety.


We have Youth Services– Our youth service team is made up of TVI’s (teachers of the visually impaired) as well as Orientation and Mobility Specialists to support children and our young adult population. This team primarily works in the school systems but can also provide service in a student’s home if most appropriate. They are working on goals as determined by the student’s IEP that may include;

  • Reading and writing in braille to support literacy
  • Using software systems and technology apps that support classroom learning.
  • Supporting other learning solutions that help magnify information and teach students how to access information for their academics and long term learning goals through the use of assistive technology.
  • The agency also has a team that specifically provides transition age services for those who are 18-22 and there are workshops and other activities being hosted several times a year for this age group as well!

Speaking of Assistive Technology and activities; Future In Sight also has an Activities and Assistive Technology specialist who routinely adds to programming by;

  • Hosting a calendar each season of activities both on site, in the community, and virtually for our clients to attend and get together for
  • There are both hands on and virtual assistive technology workshops for our clients
  • This position is also routinely collaborating with other stakeholders and statewide projects that promotes accessibility and inclusion for all


Is that all we do? Nope! Future In Sight wants to make sure that our clients receive the additional support they need that vision loss may attribute to. We also have a social worker on staff who will;

  • Meet with clients 1:1 for adjustment to blindness counseling
  • Provide overall mental health and wellbeing counseling as it pertains to their vision loss
  • Help with case management and community resource access as needed

And if our clients can’t drive to get to these activities and appointments, how do they get there?

Future In Sight has a Volunteer Program that supports primarily volunteer drivers providing transportation to essential rides and appointments across the state. This program also supports;

  • Friendly peer callers and visitors
  • Volunteer matches to help support getting other basic needs met beyond transportation.


Future In Sight is continuously trying to ensure that clients can be connected to others who have experienced and live with vison loss so there are monthly peer support groups offered 10 months out of the year.  Additionally, you will see marketed on our website three times a year, weeklong immersive “Silver Retreats” that take place for clients 55+ to come together and learn new skills and ways to enhance their lives through technology and our providers knowledge and expertise.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to work with our clients and look forward to continuing to serve more.

About the Author: Melissa Larocque is the Director of Program Services at Future In Sight.