Dear Friends,
We at Future In Sight are committed to continuing to do our best work under these challenging and evolving circumstances. Protecting the well-being of staff and those we serve is paramount – as is providing critical vision services to individuals of all ages who depend on us.
Here’s what we are doing today to balance both priorities:
- Practicing social distance.
- Cancelling, rescheduling or adapting events: All Future In Sight sponsored events, including the April’s Dinner in the Dark, Youth and Adult Activities will not be held in-person at this time. Peer Support and Technology Users Groups will shift to online meetings using the Zoom platform. We will keep our Events Calendar up to date.
- Suspending direct in-person services: To reduce health risks to vulnerable adults and seniors, we will not be delivering direct in-person services at this time. Our case managers, occupational therapists, low vision therapists, and orientation and mobility specialists are moving quickly to adjust to telephone intake and phone based services. In addition to the telephone, the team will employ video tools such as Facetime and other video conference to deliver direct service wherever possible to continue delivering low vision services.
- Schools shifting to online learning: Governor Sununu has directed that all NH Schools move classes to remote instruction through at least April 3, 2020. Our education team, which serves 160 students across 47 school districts are shifting their work to an online education delivery model. We will not be providing direct in-person service to children unless recommended by the school, given the needs of the child.
- NH Parent Connect: For parents, NH Parent Connect inaugural meeting and workshop scheduled for March 28th will move to an online platform. Over the next weeks, we will be adding content to our website that will be useful to parents and their children with visual impairments. Please keep an eye out for our New Education Guidelines.
We will adjust our approach as circumstances continue to evolve. We appreciate your understanding – and patience – as we all work together in the coming weeks to both fulfill our mission to serve individuals who are blind and visually impaired while playing our part to help keep our staff, clients, and our community safe.