CONCORD, N.H. (June 2017) – Future In Sight was recently awarded a $5,000 grant from the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund to support the New Hampshire Lives and Thrives Program, which provides critical vision rehabilitation services and offsets the costs of adaptive aids and devices, which do not receive insurance reimbursement.
“With the support of community partners like the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund, we are able to restore the independence of people who are severely visually impaired,” said David Morgan, President & CEO of Future In Sight. “Our goal is to personalize services to clients of all ages to meet their needs – in the home, at work, at school and in the community – and we do not deny anyone based on their financial ability to pay.”
This program strengthens Future In Sight’s commitment to teaching clients how to not only live safely, but thrive with sight loss – regardless of their financial situation.
“I commend the efforts of Future In Sight for their continued efforts to work to help serve those in need,” said Attorney Anu R. Mullikin, BCAF Board Member. “The Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund is grateful to our supporters which make it possible for the Catholic Church to help organizations like Future In Sight.
About Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund
The Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund makes grants to tax-exempt organizations without regard to religious affiliation for projects that help people in New Hampshire meet their basic needs. The Fund is operated by volunteer lay men and women who serve as Directors and who make recommendations to the Bishop of Manchester for grants to any organization in New Hampshire whose mission is consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The fund raises money through solicitation of individuals, businesses and philanthropic organizations. An annual accounting of funds raised and disbursements is available at www.catholicnh.org/BCAF.
About Future In Sight
Headquartered at the McGreal Sight Center in Concord, Future In Sight – formerly known as New Hampshire Association for the Blind – was founded in 1912 with the mission to advance the independence of persons who are blind and visually impaired. Over the last 105 years, the organization has grown to offer a complete range of specialized professional education and vision rehabilitation services that help babies, children, adults, and elders who have little to no vision to obtain access to a full range of services. Future In Sight is the only private, nonprofit provider of statewide, comprehensive direct vision rehabilitation and educational services throughout the state of New Hampshire for persons of all ages who are blind or visually impaired.
For more information about Future In Sight’s programs and services, please call 603-224-4039 or visit www.futureinsight.org.