We are so pleased to collaborate with Susan LaVenture, who among other accomplishments served as the Executive Director of National Association of Parents of Visually Impaired Children. As David Morgan, President & CEO of Future In Sight puts it, “Susan brings a wealth of expertise in building statewide parent networks. We are thrilled to have her on board.” Susan will be facilitating our first workshop for parents on March 28, 2020, here at our Walker Street location in Concord, which will mark the start of our efforts to form NH Parent Connect.
Susan LaVenture is a parent leader and advocate on behalf of families of children who are visually impaired. For 30 years Susan has worked to develop parents’ associations and programs that provide support, education and advocacy for families worldwide. She became involved initially in this field by connecting and mobilizing with other parents when her youngest son was diagnosed with retinoblastoma , a rare form of infant eye cancer. Susan has lectured at Harvard Medical School, among other academic institutions, to create awareness for professionals regarding the need for families to have access to medical information about their children’s conditions. She has also presented about the significant role of parents in their child’s development and education.
Through a partnership with the US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Susan led a national effort to provide education and leadership training workshops to parents throughout the United States on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and how it pertains to students with visual impairments.
Susan has written and edited broadly in her specialty. Examples include: author of A Parents’ Guide to Special Education for Children with Visual Impairments, AFB Press, American Foundation for the Blind, New York, NY.; Managing Editor of Childhood Glaucoma, A Reference Guide for Families, Glaucoma Research Foundation, San Francisco, CA reprinted 5 times; Editor of AWARENESS Magazine and Co-Director with AFB of FamilyConnect.org, a website for parents of children with visual impairments that currently resides with the American Printing House for the Blind. For more information on NH Parent Connect, upcoming workshops and activities, email [email protected]
Susan LaVenture will be hosting an event at Future In Sight on March 28th, click this link for details : Advocating for Your Child with Vision Loss