CONCORD, NH — December 11, 2018 — On November 29th, during the annual meeting and celebration of the Board of Directors the Client Services Committee of Future In Sight presented Frank Haley with the 2018 Jo Adcock Service Award.
Frank Haley, (Andover, NH) has a been an ambassador of Future In Sight for more than 15 years. Each year traveling, with the help of his wife, Anne, great distances to collect money in support of Future In Sight’s annual Walk for Sight held each June. Over the years he has collected more than $75,000 from family, friends, and local business colleagues. As a client, Frank is so appreciative of the services he has received from Future In Sight that he decided to make fundraising to support such programs and services his personal mission. Frank is a proven leader, rallying his family and friends to go out and fund-raise for the Walk and to participate in it as well. His commitment to the field of blindness is outstanding; his actions are a pure example of “paying it forward.”
Jo Adcock, actively served on the Board of Directors for the formerly known, New Hampshire Association for the Blind. From 1996 to 2007, Jo demonstrated outstanding volunteer leadership as she assisted the Association in developing state-of-the-art services and programs. The Jo Adcock Service Award was established in 2007 to recognize her dedication, contributions, and legacy within the field of blindness.