Real World Skill-Building Series: Café Confidence Empower Hour *YOUTH AGES 12-24*


This virtual meeting is part of the "Café Confidence" themed session of the Real World Skill-Building Series. During this virtual gathering, youth will participate in guided conversations around dining independence. The Café Confidence session also includes a second virtual Empower Hour on Wednesday, April 9th from 7-8PM on Zoom and the in-person Real World Skill-Building […]

Real World Skill-Building Series: Café Confidence Empower Hour *YOUTH AGES 12-24*


This virtual meeting is part of the "Café Confidence" themed session of the Real World Skill-Building Series. During this virtual gathering, youth will participate in guided conversations around dining independence. The Café Confidence session culminates with the in-person Real World Skill-Building workshop on Saturday, May 10th from 9:45AM-1:30PM in Concord, NH. Register for this Empower […]

Real World Skill-Building Series: Café Confidence Workshop *YOUTH AGES 12-24*


During this in-person Real World Skill-Building workshop, participants will practice dining skills through a simulated experience in our Activity Center including arriving at a restaurant, navigating to the appropriate table, accessing the menu, when and how to order, dining etiquette, payment, and exiting the restaurant. From start to finish and whatever might happen along the […]