Future In Sight has partnered with the State of New Hampshire to provide resources that empower and encourage individuals with disabilities to have representation in the upcoming election by exercising their right to vote. These resources include video trainings on casting an accessible absentee ballot and voting in-person at the polls using the one4all Accessible Voting System.

The one4all was created to make voting accessible to individuals with a range of disabilities (including vision loss and hearing loss) so they may cast their vote in the same private and dignified manner as voters who are not using the system. In fact, anyone is welcome to use – and may find it easier to use – the one4all, not just individuals with a formalized disability.

In addition to providing an accessible way for individuals with disabilities to vote, the presence of the one4all system encourages poll workers and ballot clerks to become more aware of issues related to inclusion and accessibility. When a person uses the one4all system, they are not just casting a ballot, they are also helping to preserve and protect the rights of Americans with disabilities.

Thanks to the passing of NH Bill 1264, the one4all Accessible Voting System is now available to use at all polling places for ALL elections.

How to use the one4all Accessible Voting System at the polls

one4all Accessible Voting Instructional Video

Watch this video to learn how to use NH’s one4all Accessible Voting System at your polling place.

How to cast an Accessible Absentee Ballot

Accessible Absentee Voting Instructional Video - Part 1

Watch Part 1 and Part 2 of our instructional videos to learn how to cast an Accessible Absentee Ballot in NH.

Accessible Absentee Voting Instructional Video - Part 2

Watch Part 1 and Part 2 of our instructional videos to learn how to cast an Accessible Absentee Ballot in NH.

Voting Resources

NH Voter Registration and Info

Access general NH election info here.

Check if you are registered to vote, find your polling place, and lookup your Town Clerk’s office here.

Polling Places & Times

To find the polling location in your area, use this search tool on the NH Secretary of State’s website.

Hours vary by municipality, however polls must open at 11am or earlier and cannot close before 7pm.

Rides to the Polls

Anyone who has received services from Future In Sight may call 603-224-4039 to request a ride to the polls thanks to support from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.


Accessible Absentee Ballots & Tracking

Obtain an accessible absentee ballot here.

Confirm the status of and track your Accessible Absentee ballot here.


Forms of Acceptable ID

Bring one of the following forms of ID with you to the polls:

  • Driver’s license issued by any state or the federal government
  • Photo ID issued by the motor vehicles agency, or office of any other state
  • U.S. armed services identification card
  • U.S. passport or passcard
  • Valid student ID issued by a college, university or career school in NH
  • Valid student ID from NH public high school
  • Valid student ID from a nonpublic high school in NH

Problems at the Polls

Unfortunately on occasion, some people experience difficulties or issues at their polling place. Here are a few things to keep in mind and what to do if it happens to you:

It’s the law that every polling place In New Hampshire has a one4all Accessible Voting System available. The NH Secretary of State’s office provides the systems to each polling place.

Upon arrival, you must ask specifically to use the one4all Accessible Voting System and a poll worker has to put a code for your Ward into the system to initiate it.  The poll worker also needs to put the ballot in the printer to assure it is inserted in the right orientation.

If you are not provided with the equipment or assistance that you need on Election Day, contact the Secretary of State’s office at 1-603-271-3242from your polling place. They have staff available to help.

Go to vote earlier in the day if you can so that there’s ample time to resolve any issue that might arise. Be kind to the poll workers. They are volunteers!