Silver Retreat: A 5-day immersive program for individuals aged 55+ affected by severe vision impairment. These Retreats focus on communication skills, orientation & mobility, accessible technology, low vision skills and devices, independent living skills, adjustment to vision loss, social interaction, and peer support.
Lodging and meals are included as part of the Retreat experience, transportation may be available to and from the Retreat.
Apply now for the June retreat! We are finalizing the dates and location for this retreat and will release those details soon.
If you or a loved one are interested in participating in an upcoming Silver Retreat, please call 603-224-4039 or email [email protected].
Silver Retreat Testimonial: Pam Harkins
89-year old Pam Harkins shares her favorite parts of the Silver Retreat experience.
Silver Retreat Testimonial: Carl Mitchell
Learn about the Silver Retreat experience from participant Carl Mitchell.
Silver Retreat Testimonial: Annaliese Niklas
Annaliese Nicklas shares her vision loss story and tell us about her experience at the Silver Retreat.
Click here for more testimonials.