For parents of a child with vision loss, there are many changing needs throughout a child’s young life. From getting help detecting or diagnosing a vision problem, to finding assistive technology or social activities that contribute to their child’s health and independence.
Infants and Toddlers (Birth-3)
Our team includes experienced Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TVIs) who work with infants and toddlers, birth to age 3, who are blind and visually impaired to help achieve developmental milestones.
We work with families in their homes and communities to provide:
- Consultation & assessment
- Recommendations/strategies
- Routine-based goals
We also help with:
- Attendance at eye doctor appointments
- Interpreting eye exam results
- Vision resources
- Groups, community events for families
- Connection to additional services

If your infant or toddler could benefit from our services, contact us now.
School-Aged Children (3-21)
Our Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TVIs), along with our Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS), provide specialized instruction in the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for students who are blind and visually impaired. The ECC is comprised of necessary knowledge and skills for students with vision loss to be successful in schools, as well as postsecondary pursuits, due to their unique disability-specific needs.
Our team is highly experienced in all nine areas of the ECC:
- Compensatory/functional academic skills
- Sensory efficiency skills
- Orientation & mobility
- Social interaction skills
- Independent living skills
- Recreation and leisure skills
- Career education
- Use of assistive technology
- Digitally accessible materials
- Self-determination skills
Our staff collaborates with case managers, classroom teachers, other service providers, and families to develop and implement the highest quality Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students who are three to 21 years old.

If your child could benefit from our services, contact us now.
Transition-Aged Youth/Young Adults (16-22)
We provide workshops and individual sessions around transition for blind or visually impaired students in high school. Our goal is to increase successful transition outcomes by addressing the skills most often requiring direct instruction for students with visual impairments, including social skills for interviewing and for the workplace, independent living skills, orientation & mobility and self-advocacy and self-determination.

If you believe your teenager or young adult could benefit from our services, contact us now.
Testimonials from Parents and Youth Clients
Sean is the father of 14-year-old youth client Delaney Kelly. His daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 18 months old that caused severe vision loss.
Delaney is a 14-year-old youth client of Future In Sight. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 18 months old that caused severe vision loss.
Kerensa, parent of 18-year-old youth client Noah DeWilde who was legally blind since birth, shares how Future In Sight offered support to her family through activities.