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Fit & Fabulous: Hula *ADULTS ONLY*

April 25 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Aloha and welcome to hula class! Nancy Griffin has been studying Polynesian culture, the Hawaiian language and dances with the best Kumu Hula (Master Hula teachers) on the Mainland and in Hawai`i for over thirty years. She teaches and performs Hawaiian hula, Maori and Samoan dance throughout New England, and has performed in Canada, Labrador and Greenland. She attended and participated in the Moku O Keawe Hula World Festival in Hawai`i and is President of Hui Anuenue, New England’s Hawaiian Club. Nancy loves sharing her passion for Hawaiian culture and dance with everyone! No experience necessary. Dress comfortably.

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Questions? Contact Stephanie Hurd.

Zoom link will be sent with registration confirmation.


April 25
10:30 am - 11:30 am
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