paper cut out in the shape of people with a blind person in the middle

December 30, 2021

How to improve your eye health

As we begin 2022, are you looking for a New Year’s resolution that is good for you and that is realistic enough that you can actually follow through?...

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visually impaired girl using assistive technology in her kitchen

November 30, 2021

How technology can assist someone with vision loss

This picture shows the BARD Mobile App for the NLS Talking Books Program on the left and the Libby library app on the right. Close inspection would show that there is a slight light-blue colored “veil” to the screens and that the play buttons on both apps are the only part of the screen not “veiled.”...

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man using a braille writer assistive technology

November 16, 2021

How to keep a gratitude journal

It probably won’t come as a surprise that the month which contains Thanksgiving is also known as National Gratitude Month. ...

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visually impaired girl using assistive technology in her kitchen

October 28, 2021

Why is an annual eye exam important documentation for schools?

The Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind was enacted by Congress in 1879. This act is a means for providing adapted educational materials to eligible students meeting the blindness. An annual registration of eligible students determines a per capita amount of money designated for the purchase of educational materials. These materials are produced by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH)....

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a person using an amazon prime voice remote to use the television

October 4, 2021

Benefits of smart home technology for individuals who are blind and visually impaired

Well, you might want to rethink your preconceived notions of what a smart home device can do for you! While many people think smart home devices like Amazon’s Echo or Google Home are unnecessary luxuries, for people with vision impairment, they are a great tool for making everyday tasks much easier....

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August 20, 2021

Adaptive techniques for teaching and making art with children who are blind and visually impaired

NH Parent Connect hosted an online meeting to open up the conversation and explore together about adaptive and accessible strategies when it comes to making art and talking about it with your child. We learned about best approaches, inclusive tools, and ways to center the child’s perspective with new art experiences....

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young visual impaired girl using assistive technology to use a tablet

July 1, 2021

Understanding the role of genetics with children who are special needs

Definitely worth taking the time to watch the recently posted video of one of our monthly NH Parent Connect zoom meetings entitled “Accessing Genetic Resources for Children with Special Needs”....

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a blind girl using headphones on the computer in a library

April 15, 2021

Literacy tips for teaching students who have Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI)

The latest research news says Brain-related visual problems may affect one in 30 primary school children. Future In Sight strives to raise awareness of Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) with parents and our school partners....

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a visually impaired man using special eyewear to fish

April 6, 2021

Proper eye protection for spring activities

I don’t know about you, but I have spring fever!  The last of the snow is gone from my yard, and I know that any spring snow that comes our way won’t last long!...

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woman using assistive technology at her computer

March 9, 2021

Tax preparation assistance is available from VITA

Spring is in the air!  Birds are singing, snow is melting, clocks ‘spring ahead’ an hour at 2am on March 14th… and another sign of spring is that it’s time to file your Federal income taxes. ...

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paper cut out in the shape of people with a blind person in the middle

February 17, 2021

How to recognize the symptoms of low vision

February is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Low Vision Awareness Month. Low vision has a big impact in educational settings, which makes it important to understand the needs it imposes and what symptoms to watch for in children....

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two senior men laughing

August 13, 2020

Adapting everyday technology to meet your needs as an individual with low vision

On the go technology and common apps that are used on tablets and smartphones are not always designed with low vision users in mind. But there are some specific apps that deliver features or functionality that can really make using these everyday devices much easier for those with vision impairment....

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man holding his children walking through a field

March 9, 2020

Advice from a parent of a child with vision loss to other parents

Even though decades have passed, my son is grown and is now a physician, I still remember the day when Alex was first diagnosed with rare infant eye cancer....

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future in sight logo

March 2, 2020

QR codes are especially helpful for individuals for individuals who are blind and visually impaired

Most QR codes on documents and business cards are about an inch and can provide access to information, documents, podcasts, websites and videos on the internet....

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person reading braille text

February 12, 2020

How to create a tactile overlay for books and ipads

Various graphics and drawings on the iPad and in books are not accessible to individuals who experience blindness. However, creating tactile graphic overlays that can be secured to the glass on the iPad or to the pages in a book can quickly be made in minutes....

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